Lighting For Plants That Are Clone Mothers Or In The Vegetative Stage

For you clone mothers and plants reaching the vegetative state you will need stronger lights. The vegetative stage, also known as the growth stage, is where you want to promote  strong growth through internodal spacing and using stronger lights.

One should use high wattage LEDs, high wattage fluorescents, or high wattage HIDs. I’d ultimately suggest using LEDs  because as I’ve stated in other articles the temperature of LEDs reduce heat oriented problems while increasing the intensity of light the plants will receive.

Experts tend to use Metal Halide HID lights but they tend to be expensive. To avoid costs some experts will use high pressure sodium HID lights instead. If you are looking to grow like the pros try to make the move to metal halide HID but in my personal opinion it is probably too much if you are not growing a sizable crop.

You must also remember that the HIDs will produce much more heat and will need to keep the plants further away from them. Otherwise you will overheat your plants and cause damage to the leaves.