Post-Germination Nutrient Plan

For the next three week do not feed your plants. Sometimes however your plants will start to yellow at this stage.

If this happens you will need to add nutrients and I should reiterate that at this point you should keep even ratio nutrients. 1-1-1 is your best bet because they are still small plants and are not ready for regular nutrients.

It is important to note that you should only use about ¼ of what the bottle says to avoid damaging your plants. It is also viable to use nutrients with higher nitrogen ratings at this point such as a 2-1-1 nutrient ratio.

Again you can use higher ratios like 5-5-5 or 10-10-10 but it is best to stay with 1-1-1. The reasoning behind it is that you can always recover from a deficiency but over doing it tends to lead to some irreparable results.

There are pre diluted nutrients but these will say on the bottle that you can use it straight from the bottle otherwise it is crucial to dilute your nutrients before giving them to your plants.

Again the only real reasons you would need to add nutrients during these 3 weeks is if your plants are showing signs of deficiencies by yellowing. Otherwise it is completely normal to just water them for this time.