Photosynthesis And Its Role In Cannabis

Photosynthesis is essentially the driving system of your plants. Photosynthesis meaning “combining light” is the process in which a plant converts water, CO₂, and light in order to create food for itself.

It is important to understand that each of these elements need to be available in order for the plant to do photosynthesis. The exact equation for this is 6CO₂+6H₂O+light= C₆H₁₂O₆+O₂.

Through this process plants can create complex food with simple substances. This process is primarily only done by plants but any organism with chlorophyll such as purple bacteria can also use this process.

The energy conversion rate is pretty mild but for plants and simple organisms that have adapted to using photosynthesis can produce plenty of energy to support themselves. Now how does understanding this really help you grow cannabis? Basically this function requires all three elements in order for it to happen.

Standard air has plenty of Carbon-dioxide in it already so the main focus is figuring out the lights and water. If you feel like your plants need more carbon-dioxide you can buy tanks from your local hydroponics store.

Ensuring that all three elements of photosynthesis are readily available for your plants ensures that they have the energy required to grow big and strong. This process  is actually why plants tend to be some of the most adaptable organisms around.

Their source of energy is almost always available to them and unlike animals do not need to rest to do this process appropriately.  This allows plants to build themselves up constantly. With this understanding you can see that if you increase each of these elements, Carbon-dioxide, water, and light , you can effectively maximize the growth of your plants.

It is important to keep in mind that you too much of a good thing can be bad. For instance, too much carbon-dioxide or over watering your cannabis can do serious harm and even kill your cannabis.

Some things that will affect how much of these substances a plant could handle such as size of the cannabis plant, stem strength, and even the number of your leaves can all affect how much resources you can pump into a plant before it reaches its peak. It is a bit more complicated than just jamming these ingredients together.

Other factors such as space, how many plants you are growing, and even temperature are important to take into account when choosing exactly how much of each you will need for your setup.

This is especially important when it comes to the carbon-dioxide because just like with your plants, too much carbon-dioxide could affect the grower. Around 1000 ppm is when carbon-dioxide starts to show symptoms which include drowsiness.

So be careful especially when growing in small spaces. In most cases you won’t use enough Carbon-dioxide to do harm and it’s safe to use but i do feel it is important for anyone using carbon-dioxide to know that over use could lead to harm to themselves and their plants.