Growing Organic

To start off I just want to be clear that I don’t believe organic growing is the only way we should grow,

Though through studies that have proven that current pesticides can range from causing indigestion to being very harmful for consumption i believe it is important to understand just how important organic growing is.

Organic growing refers to growing without any synthetic nutrients, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, hormonal regulator, or any other synthetic additive. This also excludes any plants who went through any genetic modification.

For starters why would anyone want to grow organically? Growing organically has been proven by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture movements (IFOAM) that the use of organic agriculture has proven to be less stressful on the environment that your field inhabits.

This organization is especially important for organic growers that plan to join the industry because they are currently the leading organization on the subject. Not only that this organization can get you certified as an organic growing so that you can have backing that your product is every bit as organic as you claim.

This is currently the only real way to be truly recognized as an organic seller. Beyond what i listed earlier there are a few practices that need to be in place in order to be considered an organic grower. The grower must partake in crop surplus, using animal waste as fertilizer, composting, weeding, natural pest, and disease control  must be used in combination to be considered organic.

The next point I think is very valuable when deciding to grow organic is that beyond the yield of the plants they grow very similarly. Which basically means that even without artificial growth hormones or boosters one can still have a beyond profitable field. Studies have shown and scientists have a general consensus that eliminating the artificial growth hormones will not mean that your plants won’t grow to a point where they will be healthy and flourishing.

The standard difference in yield size varies from field to field because of a plethora of factors but the average increase in yield when growing with artificial materials is only about 10%. When the difference is that much in the grand scheme of things it is not a decision that will make or break your fields.

Overall I believe the research isn’t there yet to prove that GMO’s are actually dangerous for the environment but that is why I believe organic growing is so important. Organic growing involves aiding your environment so it aides you.