Growing Climate

This one is a quick one because in essence cannabis is a very durable plant and will basically grow in a plethora of ranges based on the genetics of the plant but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t follow the range.

Currently with the given studies it seems that the appropriate temperature should be around 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. I find that 75 degrees is the optimal growing temperature but as I’ve said before they are pretty durable plants so they vibe anywhere in that range. 

When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense to be this temperature because the plants need to be comfortable in order to grow. Not only that when you stress them out too much as I have stated in other articles you run the risk of hermaphroditing and ruining your precious crops.

Not only that, but as a human I find this temperature to be the most productive temperature for myself to work at. If you’re like me anything above 80 degrees is way too hot and I’m more worried about sweating to death than what I’m actually working on and that same logic applies to plants.

Obviously they aren’t thinking about sweating but you get my point. 

The next aspect in your climate would be wind or in the case of growing indoors fans. Fans help create stronger stems and branches because the plant feels the need to prepare for storms. To most this isn’t a super obvious factor because just blowing a little wind should have such a monumental change but if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.

Think of someone who plays guitar, they keep pulling at strings and eventually they form calluses on their hands and their body’s better equipped for that activity. Plants respond to the environment the same way in this regard.

A related note to this is the ventilation.

Having a properly ventilated area is a lifesaver. It’s weird to think about but we all know what stale air feels like and can lead to some unhappy plants as well as workers. It will make temperature control much easier because as we learned in science class hot air rises and cold air sinks.

Without any ventilation this will become the case of your grow room and in many cases once the heat builds up it is hard to get rid of.

You also want to keep it away from any of your controlled gasses like CO2 because it will suck it right up and on that note you should opt into active ventilation because  they are generally more equipped to handle extra processes like dealing with smell since most have either a carbon or  charcoal filter.

The last topic in climate I’d like to discuss is humidity. The humidity is a huge part of what makes your plant happy.

The official recommendation is anywhere between 40-80% humidity. I find that 60-65% is the best but anything in the first range is acceptable. You want the moisture in the air because that’s passive water that your plants can actually grab without being worried about oversaturating their water supply and diluting the plants nutrients too much.

Combining these elements will help ensure that your crops grow healthy and large to maximize your yield.