Set up: How To Choose A Seed For Your Set Up?

Selecting the perfect seeds for you can be quite a challenge.

It is somewhat true that you can grow any strain through nearly any known method but that doesn’t mean that you will be growing that plant in the perfect environment.

The first question you should ask yourself is are you growing indoor or outdoor. From this you can ask breeders for strains  that they designed for the answer you give them.

All strains can be grown in either environment but if they were not bred to be in that environment then you will be cutting your yield potentially.

The next  question should be how much space you have available. This will help you choose what strain to go with.

On standard sativa genetics will keep the plant shorter if they are the dominant traits while their Indica counter-parts tend to be taller.

This isn’t always the case because of hybrids but as a general rule of thumb this is a valid prediction.

The last question is what kind of high you want to produce. This has a lot to do with strain choice but also with harvesting time.

To briefly explain the longer you wait to harvest the more of a “couch-vibe” kind of high will be produced and if you harvest earlier than your plants will have more of a cerebral/ head high effect.