Production-How To Make Hashish

Hash is made by bursting the trichomes in order to collect the plants resin. Resin is this incredibly sticky substance that is the main source of THC in the plant. Depending on how you collect the resin will determine the grade of hashish.

Hashish is this blocky mass that is formed when you compress the resin and trichomes.

To put it briefly the grade of the hashish is determined by the ratio of plant matter to cannabinoids in this mixture.

Higher grade products will have a lower ratio of plant matter to cannabinoids. Now based on what i said so far you may be wondering where the plant matter comes from.

Some people mix in other portions of the plant that contain any amount of THC at all but this degrades the hashish. A common practice is screening to extract the trichomes without the plant matter.

A good screen size is approximately 120 lines per inch. Anywhere below this would allow plant matter in  and degrade your precious hashish and anymore would ensure you only captured the smaller trichomes.