How To Deal With Crickets And Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers and crickets can be a real menace to your cannabis plants.

They will spend their days munching on all your beautiful leaves and branches. If left untreated can spread to your entire crop. Luckily there are a few ways that you can deal with them.

For starters, pest controls like spinosad can effectively kill them. The spinosad products are natural pesticides that can deal with a wide variety of pests.

These are organic products and won’t harm your plants so i find these products to be very essential if you want to go down the pesticides route. You can also use insecticide soups, neem oil, and pyrethrin based products.

Neem oil is particularly effective because it affects their eating habits, their ability to reproduce and grow, and a repellant for most insects that you will find in your crops.

With these tools one could deal with a cricket or grasshopper infestation quickly without endangering your plants.