Hydroponic Setup
When you think of hydroponics you may be intimidated but it is actually much simpler than you would think. If you broke down a standard hydroponic setup it would consist of two parts, an upper and lower part.
In the lower part you need your tank filled with water and nutrient solution, a pump to transport the water to the top portion, additional bonus if you keep another pump to stir the solution as an extra precaution, and an air stone. The top layer consists of your cannabis in it’s growing medium and a tank that has a drainage system.
You will need to set up watering schedules and if done appropriately the plants will grow very healthily. Plants tend to thrive in an hydroponic environment and tend to grow massive root clusters. This is because the plant doesn’t have to search for water, nutrients, or air because it is delivered directly to them and instead can spend the energy on just growing to be as strong as can be.
The roots grow large clusters mostly due to the fact that they don’t have to spread out to receive nutrients and instead would benefit from casting a wide net in order to obtain as much as it can. Since plants are very adaptive, like most of earth’s creatures, they will design themselves to best fit their environment.