
When looking for nutrients what do you look for? How do you decide what nutrients are right for your growing setup? If you’re looking for more setup articles, check out GrowTheHigh’s Setup Articles section.

Nutrients for these plants will be labeled typically with three numbers that represent the N-P-K. For those who don’t know what that is, it’s Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium.

These are the major nutrients throughout the entire life cycle that requires you to add nutrients. During the primary vegetative stage the ratio of these should be 5-5-5 or 10-10-10.

Nitrogen can be higher than the others during this stage but I find that these ratios work best for me.


If you’re planting in loam soil they should have a similar ratio of nutrients. DO NOT use full strength nutrients unless they are specifically made for cannabis. Though all plants focus around these nutrients doesn’t mean that all of them use the same type.

Next, the primary flowering stage you should convert to a 5-10-5 or 10-20-10. During this stage your plants will appreciate more phosphorus than nitrogen. Secondary nutrients include magnesium(Mg), Sulfur(S), Calcium(Ca) and getting some micronutrients will definitely help with your plants health. Though these should rarely be used.